About Us

I'm Kayloni and I'm a mother of two cloth diapered little ones. (One graduated, one current.) When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter I had terrible prenatal depression. For some reason researching and learning about cloth diapers made me happy so I quickly became obsessed. Once my little one was born and I put my treasured fluff to good use I began to sing the praises of cloth diapers to everyone around me. My journey into motherhood introduced me to many wonderful women including my dear friend Mandy who owned a diaper service with her mom. In 2022 I was burnt out on teaching (my chosen profession) and looking to spend more time at home with my family. At the same time, Mandy and her family decided to move out of state and close their business. I decided to take it over and make it my own. Cloth diapers saved me once again.
Now I'm out to help other families fall in love with cloth diapers. The eco friendly, better for baby, best looking option for the inevitable diapers that come along with having a new baby.